Monday, March 21, 2016

Book Review: False Flag

False Flag Cover

There is a growing fear in the back of the collective American consciousness—a fear that would have been laughable a few short years ago, but has found purchase in the minds of enough rational citizens that it is now in the main stream.

The fear of which I speak is that of our own government. This is what Henry Brown examines in his book False Flag. He does an outstanding job of presenting the roots and rationale of the growing wariness of governmental power and what its consequences could be if it continues to grow unchecked.

Brown takes factual data such as the MK Ultra program, Jade Helm, and recent purges of senior military leaders and weaves them into a speculative narrative that, at times, seems all too real.

The story telling is well done through the multiple points of view of ‘the Retreads,’ a group of retired special operations veterans living in different parts of the country. I particularly enjoyed that of Tom Scarred Wolf, a Native American sheriff who wants nothing more than to live with his family in peace, but is forced into action when he uncovers unbearable truths.

The multiple story lines can be a bit confusing at first if one hasn’t read the first two books, but Brown does a good enough job of bring new readers up to speed that it is not an issue once the story gets rolling.

Henry Brown has crafted an action-packed romp that is both enjoyable and terrifying. He then ends this book with the clear understanding that the action, terror, and tragedies have only just begun. I, for one, eagerly anticipate the next installment.
You can find Henry at:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the read/review. Rob. And i enjoyed our discussion.
